Motherf*ucking Life Warriors

I was asked by a colleague this week “Do you have a certain focus to your work? I mean is there a central thread to what you do?” That’s a great question and the answer is a resounding “YES!”

So, I “do” a number of different things – Solution-Centered Life Coaching, a workshop called Return to Power, I teach the Japanese martial art of Aikido and have managed peer support services for a local mental health agency.

BUT, with ALL of these things, I have the exact same focus – to help people become motherfcking life warriors! Whether I’m showing a 5’2 female how to drop a much larger man to the ground in a joint lock, working one on one with a coaching client to rediscover his values, or teaching a large group of people about the freedom of choosing one’s response to their circumstances – the most important outcome to me is that they remember how f*cking powerful they already are, and how to move forward with that knowledge.

My “niche” is working with people that have been beaten down by life, deal with anxiety, addiction & trauma and now feel a bit stuck. Why? Because I have been there. And it sucks. It’s no fun to feel less than good enough, alone, disconnected, overwhelmed and still walk around like everything is OK.

I despise when someone is told they can’t do something because of a diagnosis, disability, past history, lack of education or just because they are listening to some douche-bag in a position of authority. It’s bullshit!

And f*ck simply surviving.  What kind of life is that? Give me a lobotomy and stick me in a psychiatric bed before that. People deserve to have a voice, share their unique gifts and have an engaging life. This includes all of the scary and challenging stuff as well as the wonderful things. That’s life.

Going back to the original question – What is my focus? What I live for, what I enjoy more than anything, what I am so grateful to be a tiny part of is helping people remember what motherf*cking life warriors they are and have always been.


Challenge Your “Story”


Don’t be a Prisoner to Life