Top 21 Things I Have Learned Over the Last (almost) 59 Years

As I soon turn 59 on November 24, 2023, I’ve reflected on some of the lessons I have learned over the last 6 decades. Some are things I wish someone had taught me earlier in my life. Some are things I wished I had applied more often. All of the ideas are concepts I fully believe in and try my best to aspire to daily.

  1. Learning is important – read, attend workshops, go to school, and listen to podcasts – BUT, it is worthless without taking some kind of action.

  2. If you have your MENTAL health, you have everything.

  3. Everyone suffers, has anxiety and gets depressed. Some are just really good at hiding it.

  4. We don’t have control over much in life. But we can always choose how we respond to what is happening around us.

  5. Knowing that we are in control of how we choose to deal with life is both liberating and an enormous responsibility.

  6. Focusing on growing our strengths is much more important than improving our weak areas.

  7. We are not built to be happy 100% of the time. And that’s OK.

  8. Being in the present moment is the “cure” for everything.

  9. Embrace discomfort.

  10. Life is fucking hard sometimes. Be kind to yourself.

  11. Time goes faster the older you get.

  12. Take time to know what your values are and live by them every day.

  13. You can do anything, but not everything. Choose wisely.

  14. Do the things that scare you.

  15. Have “bookends.” A morning and nighttime routine.

  16. Worrying is a worthless endeavor.

  17. Play/fun is way too underrated.

  18. You can’t control others.

  19. Savor every single second, even the ones that don’t seem so glamorous.

  20. We are all rock stars. Thus, we can all change the world. 

  21. It’s never, ever too late.


Stop Screwing Around!


The BENEFITS of going through really, really, f*cked up shit