Stop Screwing Around!

Stop screwing around - get pissed off and remember who you are and get your life back! I’m saying this to whoever needs to hear it because I really wish someone had said it to me a bunch of times.
I wasted so much precious time drinking too much or sitting att a casino or over-stuffing my face with crappy food or working jobs I hated or staying in bad relationships way too long. All for the sake of falsely feeling in control, safe and numb.
And, if reading the first statement stings you a little, it’s because down deep you know you could be doing and being more. Your 10 year old self wouldn’t recognize you and would be embarrassed.

And I know all the “reasons” you’re not out there kicking butt because I used them too. “But I need to relax tonight, I have anxiety, I’m not good enough, but I REALLY love my abusive partner, I don’t want to be alone, I’m too old, I live in Buffalo, I have an addictive personality, I’ve had trauma, I don’t want to disappoint my parents, blah, blah, blah! I used to consider these good reasons not to hold myself accountable to myself. too. And they ARE reasons, but they are also big excuses!

Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE I meet or work with has tremendous gifts and are more powerful than they believe. But many of us have been beaten down so often and so hard we forget.

The clock is ticking guys! If you’re 58 like me you have on average 6,200 days left to live (76 years minus age of 58 times 365 days in year). That’s not a whole lot of days left.

So wake up NOW and get your life back! It is YOUR life you know, and the ONLY one you get. And if the people around you don’t like the “new” you, kick em to the curb.

If you find this harsh. Good. If you think I’m an ass. Fine. If this little post gets under the skin of just one person and causes them to take action then it’s worth it.


Do NOT feel like crap if you are alone on Valentine’s Day Post 1


Top 21 Things I Have Learned Over the Last (almost) 59 Years